GetImage Version 1.3 was released to provide several enhancements to GetImage. Patch A to Version 1.3 was released to correct a problem in the decompression software.
GetImage Version 1.3 Update Highlights
However, in some instances, this closest-to-center criterion may result in the selection of a plate in which the requested field is off the emulsion. To avoid this problem, GetImage 1.3, by default, will select the plate in which the requested field is furthest from the plate edge. The furthest-from-edge criterion will always select a plate in which the requested field falls on the emulsion except possibly where the sky coverage of the survey plates has almost no overlap.
The plate selection criterion may specified on the command line with a new "-p" option. GetImage will select the plate in which the field is closest to the center if "-p =c" is present on the command line. If, instead, "-p =e" is on the command line, then GetImage will select the plate in which the field is furthest from the edge. The furthest-from-the-edge criterion is the default behavior.
Alternatively, the individual plate from which
a field is extracted may be specified by the unique id of the plate.
The plate from which to extract images is specified with the -p option
in the form "-p
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GetImage Version 1.3a Update Highlights GetImage 1.3a is a quick release to correct a bug that causes images extracted from the northern edge of most plates to have skewed objects.
The only changes to files in GetImage was modification of src/image.c and inclusion of this file, getimg13a.txt. The modification to src/image.c was in the function Decompress_Image. The argument list in the call to hdecompress was changed back to the way it was in version 1.1 because it was actually correct and the change in version 1.2 broke the code.
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Obtaining the GetImage 1.3 Patch A Release A compressed tar file of GetImage 1.3a may be obtained at getimage.tar.Z . You may obtain the release in an OpenVMS backup save set via anonymous ftp from in the file getimage.bck from the directory /software/casb/programs/getimage/1_3a/ using transfer type backup.
If you are upgrading from GetImage Version 1.1 or earlier, you will need a new version of the plate list file called lo_comp.lis. This file may be obtained by setting your browser to download as a file from lo_comp.lis. The new plate list file should be installed into the headers directory below the GetImage installation directory. If your operating system has version numbers for files (such as OpenVMS), set the version number for the plate list file to be 1.
Instructions for installing GetImage may be found after unpacking the archive file in the files getimage/install.unx and [.GETIMAGE]INSTALL.VMS for UNIX and OpenVMS system respectively.
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GetImage is produced by the Catalogs
and Surveys Branch (CASB) at the Space Telescope
Science Institute (ST ScI).
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© 1997 The Association of Universities for Research
in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 30 April 1997.