unique GSCII Objects
and counting!

The above image
illustrates the deeper magnitude limit of the GSC2 compared to the
GSC 1.
Catalogs and Surveys Branch of the Space Telescope Science Institute
has been digitizing the photographic Sky survey plates from the
and UK Schmidt telescopes
to produce the GSC and DSS. These catalogs
support ground and space-based telescope operations and provide
a valuable scientific resource to the astronomical community.
The Guide Star Catalog
II (GSC II) is an all-sky catalog
based on 1" resolution scans of the photographic Sky
Survey plates, at two epochs and three bandpasses, from the Palomar
and UK Schmidt telescopes (DSS).
The all-sky, magnitude-limited Telescope
Operations version, GSC2.2, contains positions, classifications,
and magnitudes for
435,457,355 objects,
and is now available
to the community via the WWW.
The Guide Star Catalog
I (GSC I) is an all-sky optical
catalog of positions and magnitudes of approximately 19 million
stars and other objects in the 6th to 15th magnitude range. GSC
I catalog is used for the control and target acquisition of the
Hubble Space Telesope.
Please read
the fine print:
data use policy
data acknowledgements
We wish to thank
the following institutions for supporting STScI with the construction
of the GSC-II
European Space Agency - Astrophysics division |
International GEMINI project |
Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino |
Space Telescope -European Coordinating Facility |