Last Updated Jan 2001
© 2001 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
is also publishing a subset of these data to the community on CDROM. They
currently publish two products:
The Digitized Sky Survey which is a 10x compressed
copy of the first epoch POSS-I Red and SERC-J Blue surveys on 102
CDROMs. This is primarily for Observatories, Astronomical Institutions
and professional astronomers as this retains virtually all the detail
in the original data.
Sky which is a 100x compressed copy
of the first epoch POSS-I Red survey on 9 CDROMs, together with a
an 11 CDROM set, based on southern SERC-J plates from the UK Schmidt.
Both are suitable for amateur astronomers and educators.
DSS-I/DSS-II : On-line retrieval from the STScI
DSS-I/DSS-II : Space Telescope
European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF) @ the European Southern Observatory
DSS-I/DSS-II : Canadian
Astronomical Data Center (CADC).
DSS-I/DSS-II : Centre
de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS).
DSS-I/DSS-II : National Astronomical
Observatory of Japan
DSS-I/Other Wavelengths : SkyView.