Last Updated Jan 2001
© 2001 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Purpose :
Compute a Photometric Plate Solution (Modified 5/99).
Procedure :
This program uses a photometric catalog (either
GSCP-I, GSPC-II or TYCHO) and for these stars reads the integrated density
(Gaussian volume) on the plate, pixel coordinates and reference magnitude
from the MCO file. It then computes the Chebyshev coefficients from a
least-squares method of the log of the integrated density (Gaussian volume)
against the reference magnitude. More detailed information can be found
There are a number scenarios where the program will
abort gracefully. If this happens an abort file region_name_photosol.abort
will be created and a message as to why the program aborted is written
to the file. The existence of this abort file is useful when running a
script. The script can check for the existence of the abort file before
proceeding with the next task. A few reasons why photosol will abort are:
the MCO, GSH or color tables are missing; the MCO file does not contain
the desired magnitudes (at least B and V or V and R), there are not enough
reference to perform the reduction, or important data could not be read
from the GSH file.
Major Changes with version 3.2(5/99)
Since the general function was in practive difficult
to use we added the option to artificially add 2 points at the plate limit.
These objects are assign the a minimum integrated density for the quoted
plate limit from literature. The fainter of the two has an integrated
density based on the minimum for deblended objects with a magnitude of
the plate limit - delta error in magnitude. The bright of the two has
an integrated density from intentory with a magnitude of the plate limit
+ delta error in magnitude.
A number of addition vaules are written to the
GSH header in order to support the determination of the photometric error
by APPLY_CALIB. One of these values is the locations of the sequences
used in the calibration. There will probably be cases where the location
can not be found - this is when the GSPC-II sequence is not found in the
sequnece location table. If this happens it culd be due to an old naming
style (rerunning findcat for GP2 should fix it) or it might be a case
where the sequence is not in the table and it should be. Please contact
Jane Morrison when this happens and she will update the table.
A few bugs where removed
Major Changes with version 3.1 (2/99)
The option to reject stars interactively is possible
by using the qualifier /interactive.
A general function exists for several plate types
(later all plate types) which was created by Jorge Garcia. The general
function is used to reject objects fall from the function and also defines
photometric the function in the faint extrapolated region of the photometric
reference stars
Color plotting was added to the rejected objects.
When plotting to the screen color is the only option. However, if color
is desired on the postscript files then the qualifier /COLORPS must be
By default only the first three orders of the photometric
solution are plotting to calibration plot. However, the program calculates
up to the 6th order. If a solution of an order higher than 3 is desired
to be plotted on the graphs, then use the qualifier /Porder = up to order
A plot was added to show which stars are rejected
because their colors where not on the color tables. These are usually
stars of extreme color. On magnitude in the bandpass can be determined
for these stars, so the Johnson V magnitude from the reference catalog
vs photometric parameter is plotted
Major Changes with version 2.4 (9/98)
The following qualifiers have been deleted: /apply,
/color_terms, /bvuse, vruse, /bv_color_table, /vr_color_table, /print.
The following qualifiers have been added: /color_table
=(list of tables to be used) /Cweight and /ratio.
/rank_color_table=name of table.
The qualifiers defining the iteration were split
up to be /iterate (logical), /delta_sigma=0.2, /max_iter = 20 and /sigma
= 2.5.
Two plots were added: Location of the rejected
stars on the plate and the residuals vs. magnitude (reference magnitude
in the bandpass of the plate). In order to keep similar plots together
a few of the plots were reorganized and a 6th plot was added.
General Function
The general function is used to reject "bad" objects which fall far from
the general function and also to defined the photometric calibration to
be used in the faint extrapolated region of the photometric reference star
calibration. The qualifiers that define the general function are:
/GFREJECT (true by default) reject objects which
are /GFDELTA_MAG from the general function solution.
/GFDELTA_MAG is actually read in from the general
function table, but the option exist to supply the value by the CLD.
/GENFUN (by default true) use the general function
and find the shifted function valid in the faint extrapolated region.
/GFSHIFTPT is used in shifting the general function
to fall as close as possible to the photometrically determined calibration
line. Location where to attach the general function so it is continuous
with the photometrically determined solutions = minimum of reference star
photometric parameter (log integrated density) + /GFSHIFTPT.
The general function can be used to reject start
"far" from the function, with the idea being that these objects are probably
junk of some sort or mismatches. In order to reject objects a first preliminary
first-order least squares fit is performed. Using this solution the general
function is shifted so it is continuous at a designated region (the minimum
of the photometric parameter value + /GFSHIFTPT value). After this rough
zero point shift objects are rejected if they fall above/below a certain
delta magnitude from the 1st order polynomial. The delta magnitude is
read in from the general function file or can be changed by the user by
the qualifier /GFdelta_mag. Also the general function can be used to define
the photometric calibration in the faint extrapolated region of the photometric
reference stars. If this function is desired, /GENFUN is set true (which
it is by default). After the photometric calibration is determined, the
general function is again shifted so it is continuous with the photometric
solution (determined by the reference stars) at the point defined by the
minimum of the photometric + /GFSHIFTPT. The shifted general function
Chebyshev polynomial is then written to the GSH file.
How the iteration works
There are 3 command line qualifiers that control the iteration SIGMA, DELTA_SIGMA,
MAX_ITER: is the maximum number of times to iterate.
SIGMA : is the number of standard deviations the
object can be away from the sigma of fit and not be rejected.
DELTA_SIGMA : if (last sigma from fit - this sigma
from fit) < DELTA_SIGMA stop iterating.
The default values were as follows (check current CLD
for values):
SIGMA : 2.5
Example on how it works in practice
A fit is preformed and the sigma_from_fit is found (from
least squares). For each object a delta magitude is determined (magnitude
in bandpass - mag from fit)
If delta mag > SIGMA * sigma_from_fit reject object.
If (sigma_from_last_iteration - sigma_from_this_iteration)
< DELTA_SIGMA stop iterating.
If number of iterations > MAX_ITER - stop iterating.
The iteration qualifiers correspond to how plate_solution
iterated and reject stars. The program iterates until the iteration number
is less than max_iter and the (previous formal sigma - this formal sigma)
< deltasig. A star is rejected when its residual is > /sigma* formal
Notes on Color Tables
The qualifier /color_table= (list of color tables) is used to specify which
color tables are used. If it is not used then the default values are used.
Caution if you use this qualifier then the default values are not used
anymore and only those tables given are used. Therefore this qualifier
has also taken over the job of the /bvuse and /vruse qualifiers. For example,
if the user does not want to use BV colors then they should use /color_table
= VR_color.table and only the VR color table is used. /rank_color_table
= rank color table is a table that is used when a star has more than one
color available (it has more than 2 magnitudes). This table gives a rank
for each possible color for each bandpass. The idea is to give the highest
weight to the color closest to the bandpass of the plate. Only the color
closest to the bandpass of plate (ie the one with the highest weight) is
used in calibration, the other ones are given a weight of 0 and essentially
ignored. This table is an ASCII table. Read the first few lines at the top
if the top it you want to create your own table. If so it is probably best
to copy the present table and in your own personal copy edit the rankings
or to suit your case.
Check the list of qualifiers given below, if your
still confused then contact Jane Morrison.
Calling Sequence :
- PHOTOSOL MCO filename (*.MCO)
- [/CATALOG = 3 letter designation for reference
- Use either GPC, GP2, or TOC {def = GPC}
- [/CATLIST=list of 3 letter reference catalogs]
- This allows you to read in multiple catalogs
from an MCO file
Input and Output files :
- [/[no]NEW ]
- Create a new DID file
- [/[no]ANNOTATE]
- Write to DID file
- [/[no]UPDATE_GSH]
- Update GSH calibration keywords
- [/[no]DUMPFILE=name]
- {def=region_name.PHOTO_OUT_catalog_names}
- [/[no]IDFILE=name]
- {def=region_name_ID.table}
- [/USERMCO=filename]
- [/COLOR_TABLE = List of color tables]
- {default= use the BV and VR color tables in task_pars.
These are defined by the the qualifiers /BV_COLOR_TABLE, /VR_COLOR_TABLE
- If /COLOR_TABLE is used then only the color tables
given will be used no defaults are used. This allows the user to eliminate
certain colors from being used by not specifying the color table.
- [/RANK_COLOR_TABLE = {default = taskpars:rank_colors.table}
- Table contains how to rank the colors in each
- [/GFUNCTION = {default =taskpars:general_function_2_99.table]
- General function table
- [/PLATE_LIMIT_TABLE= {default =taskpars:plate_limit_4_99.table]
- Plate limit table
- [/SEQUENCE_TABLE= {default =taskpars:gspcII_sequence_info_4_99_hand.table]
- GSPC II sequence table
- Not used yet (it will be the vignetting table).
Faint end of extrapolation :
- Force the solution to go use the weighted artificial
General function variables :
- [/[no]GENFUN {def= GENFUN}]
- Write the general function coefficients in the
extrapolate region
- [/GFSHIFTPT {def = 0.1}]
- Amount to offset from last valid point to determine
the region where the zero point shift is determined.
- /GFDELTA_MAG= n, where n is a tolerance in magnitude
(+/-) above which an object is rejected.
- [/[no]GFREJECT {def = /GFREJECT}]
- Reject stars using the general function
Controls iteration :
- [/[no]ITERATE=
- Iterate - rejecting stars (yes/no)
- [/DELTA_SIGMA= {def = 0.2}
- Continue iteration until last sigma - this sigma
le Delta_sigma
- [/MAX_ITER= {def = 20}
- Maximum number of iterations allowed
- [/SIGMA= {def = 2.5}
Type of Calibration :
- [/ORDER = valid orders 1,2,3]
- {default = 2} Order of Chebyshev polynomials
- Extrapolation mode of Chebyshev Polynomials outside
fitting range
- (Valid Extrapolation modes- AV,TN,No, {default
= AV})
- [/PHOTO_TYPE= density or Gaussian_volume ]
- {default=density}
- Which type of photometric parameter to use. Only
options are density (integrated density or Gaussian_volume. At this
time (2/99) the general function can only be used with integrated density.
- Resulting photometric coefficient name: PMD (density)
- Gaussian volume is an experimental variable.
If you are having problems with using Gaussian volume as your photometric
calibrator check to make sure the MCO file has Gaussian volume. Also
obviously objects will have a Gaussian volume only where the centroider
- [/CWEIGHT {default = true}]
- Cweight stands for catalog weight. If more than
one reference catalog is used then stars are weighted according to which
catalog the are from. The weight assigned is based on the range of magnitude
of the reference stars/number of reference stars from each catalog.
In general, this weighting was chosen to give the GSPC stars a higher
weight over the TYCHO stars.}
- {default Vignetting] Apply (or not not apply)
the vignetting correction.
Properties of valid objects :
- [/REJECT=(number_reject_1, number_reject_2, ....)]
- Specify stars to be rejected by the index number
from TABLE 1 produced by photosol.
- [/XRANGE=(lx,ux)]
- Limit stars used to this specific region ( x
- [/YRANGE=(ly,uy)]
- Limit stars used to this specific region ( y
- [/MAGRANGE=(lm,um)]
- Limit stars used to this specific region (catalog
- [/PAR_RANGE=(ly,uy)]
- Limit stars used to this specific region (photometric
parameter range)
- [/[no]ONLY_STARS]
- {default only stars}] Reject objects based on
- [/[no]BLEND
- {default noblend}] Reject objects which were
- [/[no]GVOL
- {default gvol}] Reject objects with invalid Gaussian
- [/[no]RATIO]
- {true by default}
- Rejected objects base on the ratio test of their
area_above_threshold values.
Plotting :
- [/[no]PLOT ]
- {default= false : do not plot to the screen}.
If /plot is used then the plots are printed to the screen}
- [/PORDER ]
- {def=3} Order of polynomials to plot
- [/XPMIN = lx]
- {def=4} X min for plotting
- [/XPMAX = rx]
- {def=8} X max for plotting
- [/YPMIN = ly]
- {def=7} Y min for plotting
- [/YPMAX = uy]
- {def=24} Y max for plotting
- [/TEST_POINT = x]
- {def=5.25} test value for comparing results
Misc :
- [/COMMENT="String"]
- write to DID file
- Print out extra information to working window
and plots.
- [/DEBUG]
Availability :
- GSSS AXP - yes
- GSSS VAX - yes
There are a number of reasons a star can be rejected and not used in the
calibration. If a star is rejected then a reject code is assigned to the
star and printed in table 2 (under the column DROPPED). For the most updated
version look in Description of codes is as follows:
-1 = Object has an extreme color and is off the
color table.
-2 = The object does not have the required magnitudes
to form the desired color
-3,-4,-5 = held for other color problems
-6 = Rejection based hand edited flag in the MCO
-7 = Rejection based on classification. The qualifier
/ONLY_STARS is present by default, so only objects classified as stars
are used in the calibration. To turn this qualifier off type: /NOONLY_STARS.
-8 = Rejected because the photometric parameter
(integrated density or Gaussian volume) was not valid.
-9 = Rejected by hand. (Rejected using the qualifier
/reject = )
-10 = Rejected because it was out of range. Either
not in the x,y range or not in the magnitude range specified by /XRANGE,
/YRANGE, and /MAGRANGE, respectively.
-11 = Rejected because the delete flag was set.
-12 = Rejected because object failed the ratio above
threshold test.
-13 = Rejected because object fell out of range
of photometric parameter .
-14 = Rejected because object was a blend.
-15 = Rejected because Gaussian volume was invalid.
-16 = Rejected based on general function (fell far
from general function).
-17 = Rejected interactively.
> 0 = Rejected in least squares iteration. Number
corresponds to iteration rejected.
History/Author :
- Original Implementation-Helmet Jenkner for GSC
I processing in 1989
- 3/97 adaption by Jane Morrison adaption to GSC
II processing
- 12/97- Present Improvements by Jane Morrison
see description of modifications above.
- Added CATLIST to program. This allows the user
to select more than one reference catalog.
- Added USEBV and USEVR. These qualifiers allow
the user to eliminate reference stars of a certain color.
- rank_Color added. If a star has more than one
color then this qualifier allows the user to weight a star according
to it color. Weight_color refers to the color closest to the bandpass
of the plate. The other color is given a weight of (1-weight_color).
- Took out the postscript version of table 1 and
2 and made them separate ASCII files.
- Added a check if a line written to the did file
is too long (usually this is the command line). If it is then it is
broken up into lines of n length.
- Added the abort file.
- 4/98 re-organization of photosol to support NT
port of VMS photosol.
- 9/98 M. Jackson added a number of new features
to photosol to make it more general and support the NT porting these
include: weighting of reference catalogs, how the color tables are used
(added the /color_table qualifier), and weight certain colors from a
single star higher than other based on the weight_color.table.
- 9/98 J. Morrison changed the way photosol iterates
and reject stars, added a new plot (residuals vs. magnitude) and made
a few other changes to make the porting of VMS to NT easier. If the
photometric parameter is Gaussian_volume, then the plots and tables
produced have GV in their extension name. From J. Garcia's suggestion
a qualifier was added to reject stars based on a ratio of area_above_threshold
- 2/99 and 5/99 updates done by J. Morrison (look
at the top pf the documenation page to see what was done.
Items to be added in the future :
Add a vignetting table