Unpacking and Shelving Plates




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Last Updated Jan 2001

Copyright © 2001 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This is a two-person procedure requiring a plate handler and bookkeeper It is strongly recommended that for large shipments (more than ~25 plates) that the two people switch off roles.

Unpacking the box:

1. Plate handler: Carefully lift each plate out of the box and read off the region and plate label.

Bookkeeper: Check off the plate on the shipping list(s).

2. Plate handler: Take the plate out of the envelope, being careful about the orientation of the plate's emulsion; check that it is in good condition (no cracks, chips, etc). Doublecheck the plate label to be certain it matches what is written on the envelope.

Bookkeeper: Note any imperfections on shipping list.

3. Plate handler: Re-envelope plate and shelve.

In case of a broken plate:

Place it carefully on the styrofoam. If it is all the way out of the envelope when you see it is broken, leave it that way; if still partially in the envelope, either put it all the way back in or take it all the way out, whichever can be done with least disturbance.

If the plate is out of the envelope, place the envelope on top of it. Carry the whole thing (styrofoam + plate) carefully to the broken plate cabinet. Prepare a second set-up of styrofoam & acid-free paper before proceeding.

IF A PLATE BREAKS WHILE YOU ARE HANDLING IT: After following the above procedure, take a 5 minute break from plate handling again

Finishing up:

  1. If there are no discrepancies between the electronic list, the shipping list, and the plates themselves, then:
  2. Return the annotated shipping list to Conrad, who archives all shipment documentation.
  3. Update the plate charts in the plate vault to include the new plates. Proceed with the ENTERPLATE procedure.

    If there are discrepancies, send all relevant information to Conrad, who will follow up with the observatory and get us the information we need. Do not proceed with ENTERPLATE until you have an electronic list which is a one-to-one match for the plates actually received.