Last Updated Jan 2001
© 2001 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
The following are step-by-step instructions for receiving
a shipment of 2nd-generation plates.
1. Shipment arrives. Unpack crate in rm 133. Carefully clean all styrofoam
crumbs from plate boxes before bringing them into plate vault. Shipment
should be accompanied by a shipping list, ie, a list of the plates.
2. An electronic shipping list should also have arrived, via email from
ROE or Caltech. Extract the file(s) into the appropriate sub- directory
of disk$user:[gsops.platelists], with a filename indicating which shipment
it is.
3. Print out the electronic list & compare to the one from the crate.
Do they match? If so, great. If not, keep them both around and see which
one matches the actual shipment.
4. Edit the file to make it match the format needed by ENTERPLATE. Eliminate
the header information & make sure there are no extra blank lines
at the top or bottom. Compare it to other files in the directory to make
sure the format matches.
5. Prepare the plate vault by putting a cardboard plate frame and a plate-sized
piece of styrofoam covered by a sheet of acid-free paper on the light
table in the work area.
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