CASB Report May 2002
· Loading and matching GSC-II data for IR survey plates into the COMPASS database. With 80 percent of these loaded, COMPASS now contains data from over 5000 plates. Matching data from these plates to that of earlier plates will continue for some time.
· Volpicelli completed a comparison of Objectivity and Microsoft SQLserver and has decided to use MS SQL for GALEX implementation. He developed a draft schema implemented on this platform for future porting of GSC-II.
Developed a simple web interface for testing
performance of the SQL server. Planning
to install this web interface on the Apache web server of CHART.
Chris Hanley attended a three-day training course in
C++ Development with Objectivity/DB 7.0.
He has closed out all of his WFC3 responsibilities and will be 100% CASB
as of June 1.
· Reviewed 7 new Guide Star Problem Reports (GSPRs) this period. Six of these were fine lock failures. The other problem was in coarse track centering probably due to a double star. Filed a Bad GS Alert for each of the GSs.
· The HST Observation Planning Team has established the phase2 confirmation chart generation software on SOGS. CASB will no longer support routine confirmation chart requests. Assisting in the investigation of a problem found in charts produced in the new environment.
· Occasionally answering questions from the APT team about the Bright Object Tool.
· Continued scanning the POSS-I O survey plates on GAMMA1.
· Unpacked and rescanned a POSS-II N plate for field 467. GSC2 processing of the original scan had revealed a subtle scanning defect not seen in other fields.
· Performed some minor mechanical maintenance on GAMMA 1 to replace a stuck bearing.
· Adjusted the centering of the laser in the upper optical shelf in GAMMA1. Normalization of the multi-channel scans had indicated that the beam was being partially clipped. After re-centering, the normalization across the 5 channels returned to nominal values. Resumed scanning on GAMMA1.
· GAMMA2 is still down; performed no production scans on GAMMA2 throughout the period.
CDROM copying as they are produced to the CASBRAIDTEC. The current total of
copied CDROMs is 1293 CDROMS with ~ 840GB of compressed files.
Built one
CDROM for the POSS-II N survey containing four scans. Included the new scan of
XI467 in the MO DISK archive, updated the CDROM archive to include it while
altering all pointers from the original scan to the new one. Also processed
this scan for the GSC2.
Resumed compressing
scans of the POSS-I O plates.
low-level rationalization of MOD archive.
· Continued to process the remaining UKST-IR plates, particularly those in the southern Milky Way, in the VMS production pipeline.
· Resumed database production tasks of loading and matching the IR surveys. To date, loaded 784 POSSII-N plates and matched 92 and loaded 677 UKST-IR plates and matched 668. The GSC2 database now contains 5057 plates with 4192 matched.
· A disk failure in one of the COMPASS database RAID sets caused several weeks of downtime. CISD installed a replacement disk and rebuilt the RAID set without any data loss. Also performed a firmware upgrade on the replaced RAID controller card reported last month, as well as a software upgrade to the flexible array storage tool software.
· Performed some simple QA to ensure the integrity of the database prior to resuming operations.
· Completed a full image backup of all the COMPASS database disks. Also performed backups on all the software and metadata disks.
· The current size of the GSC2 database is now just under 2 TB.
· Installed Python bindings for the Objectivity/DB 7.0.
· Continued development of a program to access the current GSC2 database and obtain information needed to create MCO files. The MCO files will then be FTPed to a VMS system for reprocessing by existing GSC2 software.
· Wrote an idl routine to analyze statistics in an exported GSC2 region based on various elements of the processing status flag.
CALIBRATIONS: Photometry (GSPC-II and DSS-I and -II)
Survey |
μ |
Prefix |
Total |
SCANS Month/Total/% |
COMPRESS Month/Total/% |
Month/Total/% |
15 |
XJ |
897 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
S4 |
15 |
XP |
897 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
S4 |
15 |
XI |
897 |
0/882/98 |
4/872/97 |
1/872/97 |
0/784/87 |
72/92/10 |
S4 |
15 |
XS |
606 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
0/527/87 |
0/527/87 |
S4 |
15 |
ER |
288 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
0/213/74 |
0/213/74 |
15 |
GR |
118 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
0/116/98 |
0/116/98 |
S2 |
15 |
RS |
112 |
0/50/45 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
S5 |
15 |
IS |
894 |
0/862/96 |
0/862/96 |
0/862/96 |
63/677/76 |
63/668/75 |
S6 |
25 |
S |
894 |
Completed |
Completed |
0/365/41 |
0/365/41 |
0/365/41 |
SERC-J/EJ rescans |
15 |
S |
447 |
0/443/99 |
0/99/22 |
0/344/77 |
0/344/77 |
0/344/77 |
S1 |
15 |
XV |
94 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
0/90/96 |
0/90/96 |
25 |
XE |
807 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
0/127/16 |
0/0/0 |
15 |
XE |
129 |
Completed |
Completed |
Completed |
0/28/22 |
0/0/0 |
S3 |
15 |
XO |
936 |
20/478/51 |
15/143/15 |
0/5/0 |
0/3/0 |
0/0/0 |
25 |
N |
611 |
Completed |
Completed |
0/254/42 |
0/2/0 |
0/0/0 |
Special |
25 |
XX |
4 |
Completed |
Completed |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
Black Birch |
25 |
XB |
69 |
Completed |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
GPO Astrgph |
25 |
XG |
49 |
Completed |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
0/0/0 |
Dec 2001: 169721 

Jan 2002: 444834 

Feb 2002: 290727 

Mar 2002: 126745
Apr 2002: 53387
May 2002: 62853