Current breakdown of ALIA builds

        All future dates and build definitions are subject to change!

Build 	Date		Description
=====	====		===========
0	Jun 1994	Prototyped 7 process, multichannel scanning
			with hardcoded task parameters and no real user 

1.0	Aug 1994	Primitive IDL front end to ALIA scanning package.
			First build that could actually be used for production

1.1	Aug 1994	Debug build for 1.0. Few changes in functionality.

1.2	Aug 1994	Added single channel and shading analysis capabilities
			to IDL front end.

1.3	Oct 1994	First build of Stand Alone Console (SAC), used to 
			operate displays during scan setup, replacing unwieldy
			GUI displays in IDL front end.

1.4	Oct 1994	Continual position display capability in SAC. 
			(GAMMA had not had position displays available since
			installation of new servo system in 1992.)

1.5     Nov 1994	SAC capability to initialize hardware from a "cold

1.5.1	Dec 1994	IDL front end modified to scan sensitometer spots
			before main scan.

1.6	Jan 1995	Simplified ALIA data collector process based on
			"first pixel" interrupt generated by FIFO.

1.6.1	Jan 1995	IDL front end streamlined into EZ_SCAN, a DCL procedure
			which invokes the various programs and automatically
			edits the various files with minimal user intervention.

1.7	Jan 1995	Supports replacing timing generator by scaler as pixel
			counting device.

2.0	Apr 1995	Incorporates user interface into ALIA for the first
			time. Major rewrite of task parameter handling; 
			supports multiple rasters per scan (ie shading, spots,
			and full plate). SAC upgraded to perform device
			handling for scan setup; IDL front end eliminated;
			hand editing task parameter files for routine
			scanning eliminated; program invocation drastically
			simplified. Also supports research scanning.

2.1	May 1995  	Incorporates sag focus procedure into ALIA; eliminates
			all need for IDL during routine scanning. Also
			bug fix build for 2.0.

2.2	July 1995       Redesign of user interface concept: use different
			CONTROLLER programs tailored to specific tasks.
			This returns the CONTROLLER to a simplicity comparable
			to the other programs in the ALIA suite and thus
			improves software maintainability. Also supports new 
			shutter controller with buttons on the console, and 
			mail message notification of dead scans, and hardware
			fixes to the PPG.

2.2.1	Aug 1995	Bug fix build for 2.2. Corrects problems with parsing
			filenames for XS plates, and automatic running of

2.3	Aug 1995   	Implements basic error recovery: ie, attempts to retry
			a pass on which an error occurred, instead of just
			giving up. Also minor bug fixes. A more 
			 detailed description   
			is available.

2.3.1	Oct 1995  	Minor bug fixes and user enhancements to ALIA and SAC.

2.3.2	Nov 1995  	Major bug fix to error recovery code in ALIA .

2.3.3	Jan 1996	Error procedures modified; safety checks
			on pixel and raster size; interactions between
			task parameter file and command line qualifiers

2.3.4	Sep 1996  	Minor enhancement to support proper handling of GR
			plates. Also new utility  check_scan , which
			reports on the current status and estimated
			completion time for a scan.

All future dates and build definitions are subject to change!
2.4 Implement single channel scanning. 2.5 Implement intelligent (table driven?) photometric setup routine, to determine high voltage/filter/ kluge setting, and support motorized filter wheel controller. 3.0 Support all buttons, switches, & keypad on console and increments (for controlling the GAMMA outside of scanning as well as during scan setup) 4.0 Support white light scanning and increments 5.0 Support 24bit data path and increments

Last updated 9/24/96, Vicki Laidler

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