CD Premastering/Recording

This procedure can only be performed by designated accounts with specific privelages and quotas. The tools are set up by running

The first step is to copy the data to a source directory, which for the Sky Survey CD-R's will take the form :
where SSSS is the designated survey identifier and NNNN is the current CD volume number.

Valid Surveys are :

Remember to update the index file for XDSS discs.
The premastering is performed with one of the commands MXDSS, MDQVS or MDSSH as appropriate. After responding to several queries regarding the source tree, the target image file and the volume names, this will check the files, build a command file for premastering and optionally submit it to PREMASTERBATCH.

Once the CD image has been created it is loaded to the internal hard-drive of the CD-Studio recorder with the command YLOAD . This will overwrite the existing image so be sure that it is no longer needed.

Place a CD-Recordable blank into the drive and initiate the burn with the command YWRITE . This is a double speed drive so will take about 30-35 minutes for a typical CD-R. You may burn as many copies as required as long as the image remains on the CD-Studio internal drive.

Brian McLean ----