Sample DSS Calibration FITS File Header


This is the header of the FITS file binary table containing the photometric calibration of the POSS-E plates in the Digitized Sky Survey.

SIMPLE  =                    T /Written by IDL:  10-Dec-1996 15:56:39.00
BITPIX  =                    8 /
NAXIS   =                    0 /
EXTEND  =                    T /File contains extensions
DATE    = '10/12/96'           /
ORIGIN  = 'CASB - ST ScI'      /

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           /Written by IDL:  10-Dec-1996 15:56:45.00
BITPIX  =                    8 /
NAXIS   =                    2 /Binary table
NAXIS1  =                   28 /Number of bytes per row
NAXIS2  =                   17 /Number of rows
PCOUNT  =                    0 /Random parameter count
GCOUNT  =                    1 /Group count
TFIELDS =                    4 /Number of columns
EXTNAME = 'Photometric CALTABLE' /Extension name
TFORM1  = '1D      '           /Real*8 (double precision)
TTYPE1  = 'INTEGRATED_SIGNAL'  /Measured Calibration Parameter
TUNIT1  = 'log10Counts'        /Units of column 1
TFORM2  = '1D      '           /Real*8 (double precision)
TTYPE2  = 'MAGNITUDE'          /Physical Calibration Parameter
TUNIT2  = 'E_Magnitude'        /Units of column 2
TFORM3  = '1D      '           /Real*8 (double precision)
TTYPE3  = 'UNCERTAINTY'        /1 sigma physical parameter deviation
TUNIT3  = 'E_Magnitude'        /Units of column 3
TFORM4  = '1J      '           /Integer*4 (long integer)
TTYPE4  = 'NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'  /Used to derive physical calibration
TUNIT4  = 'Objects '           /Units of column 4
CALCNTXT= 'POSS_E  '           /Context in which calibration is valid
CALVERSN= '10/07/1996'         /Calibration version
THRESHLD=                  500 /Threshold above sky which signal is measured

        The lookup table in this extension may be used to infer the
        magnitude of stars on plates within the context of CALCNTXT.  The
        log(Integrated Signal) is obtained for a star by summing the
        total counts above THRESHLD above the background.  For example,
        if the background for a star is measured to be 4000 and
        THRESHLD is 500, then the integrated signal is the sum of counts
        above 4500.

        "Number of Objects" is the number of objects used to derive the
        calibrated magnitude in each row of the table.

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Copyright © 1997 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 28 April 1997